Your specialist partner for environmental management assignments



Based in East Kilbride, Glasgow but operating throughout the UK, AAenviro provides specialist independent environmental risk assessment and management services. 


To enable you to meet increasingly complex environmental regulatory and technical demands, our consultants provide a full and personalised service assisting you from the earliest stages of project development through to completion and where relevant handover.

Professional service

Our Principal Consultant is directly involved in the planning, delivery and management of projects, to ensure the highest quality of service from start to finish. Our consultancy staff are highly qualified professionals with chartered environmental status and a minimum of ten years environmental management experience.
Our people

Innovative solutions

We propose innovative solutions where we think they suit the scope and budget of the project, but always prioritise your requirements. Our experts have experience of developing bespoke risk assessment models and can help you scope project requirements from the outset, facilitating efficient project management.

About us

Comprehensive service portfolio

We provide a range of environmental management services.

Popular service areas include:

  • Environmental Management Systems
  • Audits and Reviews
  • Environmental Risk Assessments
  • Regulatory and Compliance Support
  • Environmental Clerk of Works
  • Water and Wastewater Services
  • Environmental Management Plans
  • Training
  • Corporate Environmental Services
  • Hydrological Impact Assessments

Find out more at: Our services

Proven track record

Our main project experience is in the water and power utility sectors, particulalry renewables. We have provided services to clients in both the public sector, such as the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and Scottish Water, and the private sector, including organisations such as ScottishPower Renewables and RWE npower renewables.

Find out about our track record by taking a look at examples of some our completed projects.

Case studies

Contact details

 20 Ballantrae

 East Kilbride


 G74 4TZ


Tel: +44 (0)1355 221510




Alternatively, please use our contact form.